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Launch of MAPPA Spotlight Briefings

Following the VKPP’s recent publication of research to identify police learning from Multi-agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) serious case reviews (SCRs), Learning for the Police from MAPPA Serious Case Reviews - 2023 |  ( the Review Team have now launched three Spotlight Briefings which highlight and explore in more depth some specific issues we found in the research.  

The purpose of the project was to consolidate learning about missed opportunities and promising police practice regarding the management of individuals subject to MAPPA. This project was the first of its kind in analysing MAPPA SCRs comprehensively from a policing perspective, consolidating the findings at a national level. 

We hope the briefings will be of interest to police and multi-agency leaders and practitioners working with individuals under MAPPA. They provide insight from the study alongside links to helpful guidance and resources.

To read the Spotlight Briefings  in full please visit Learning for the Police from Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) Serious Case Reviews - 2023 | Vulnerability Knowledge and Practice Programme ( where there are links to each one

Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) under Multi-agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA): Learning for the Police from MAPPA Serious Case Reviews (SCRs)

  • Summarises some of the findings of our research into violence against women and girls perpetrated by individuals managed under MAPPA who went on to commit further serious offences.
  • Highlights the existing good practice that was identified by MAPPA SCR authors.
  • Provides some considerations for police and MAPPA partners when working with individuals who perpetrate violence against women and girls.

Mental Health and individuals managed under Multi-agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA): Learning for the Police from MAPPA Serious Case Reviews (SCRs)

  • Focuses on identified police learning in relation to understanding and responding to the mental health needs of individuals subject to MAPPA.
  • Highlights the extent and nature of mental health needs found among individuals in our MAPPA SCRs sample.
  • Discusses common mental health needs experienced by individuals managed under MAPPA, identifies issues for MAPPA practitioners to consider and provides some helpful resources.

Vulnerability and individuals managed under Multi-agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA): Learning for the Police from MAPPA Serious Case Reviews (SCRs)

  • Summarises the findings of our research into the particular vulnerabilities experienced by individuals managed under MAPPA who went on to commit further serious offences.
  • Highlights the extent and nature of vulnerability among individuals subject to MAPPA in our sample.
  • Identifies police learning in relation to understanding and responding to those vulnerabilities.
  • Provides some considerations for police practice when working with individuals managed under MAPPA.

The study adds to our further body of work examining learning for police found in other types of SCR that we have been undertaking since 2018. You can access our previous research outputs